Wednesday, April 27, 2011


It's known as backgammon in the States, and only as a relatively obscure game taking a backseat to more famous titles like 'Sorry,' or 'Parcheesi.' But in Turkey, or at least Bilecik, 'Tavla,' as it's known, is a powerful social medium. The cafe at least provides a forum for talented tavla players to flex their fingers and a game - I've discovered - is part luck and a big part skill. I'm still a fledgling in the tavla arena, and to my surprise, I haven't improved a lick. I'm still unaccustomed to the various strategies employed by some of my students. Students, in fact, who have exceptionally difficult times speaking English can find a way to communicate vindictively and quite effectively with a good 'ole tavla routing leaving me blistered and wincing at the thought of another round.

I've been so effectively beaten that tavla is being put on the back shelf for the time being. That is, until I'm asked to inadvertently provide entertainment and a boost of the ego to the most timid and unassuming of my students, sitting in the dim light of my favorite cafe.

See you all soon!

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